Corporate Philosophy /
Charter on Corporate Conduct
Corporate Philosophy
- We create optimal spatial environments and contribute to the development of human culture through sophisticated technology based on the sciences of air, water, and heat, while taking good care of the earth’s environment and our natural resources.
- We, as engineering constructors, actively strive to develop our business. We endeavor to develop technology with a constant eye toward the future, deftly responding to the changing times.
- 【Company】Management with respect for human life and dignity
- 【Workplace】A workplace that is rewarding
- 【Employees】Employees who work to improve themselves and are always eager for a challenge
Charter on Corporate Conduct
In our hope to continue to be a corporation that is recognized as being useful and receives the appreciation, trust, and sympathy of society at large, Asahi Kogyosha and its group of companies have established the Charter on Corporate Conduct as a code of conduct for all our officers and employees in the execution of their duties.
Basic Stance on Corporate Activities
As an air, hydraulic, and thermal engineering company, we will earn the satisfaction and trust of our customers and contribute to the progress of society by developing and providing optimal, safe technology.
We will work hard to increase our corporate value in order to meet the expectations and deserve the trust of all our stakeholders.
We, the officers of the company, recognize that it is our role to ensure that the spirit of this charter is realized, and we will strive to streamline our company structure and keep everyone informed regarding business ethics.
Compliance with Laws and Norms
We will conduct our corporate activities in accordance with national and international laws and social norms.
We will compete in a fair, transparent, and open manner and conduct transactions appropriately.
We will also maintain a normal and sound relationship to politics and the administration of the government.
We will not form any kind of relationship with forces or groups that threaten public order or safety.
Approach to Social Contribution and the Global Environment
As a “good corporate citizen,” our company and its members will take part in social action programs.
We will make efforts to protect the environment and conserve natural resources for the realization and preservation of a better global environment.
Disclosure and Protection of Information
We will seek to communicate widely with the public and will disclose corporate information in a fair manner.
We will appropriately manage and protect all information obtained in the course of our work.
Securement of a Better Workplace Environment
We will respect the human rights, personalities, and individuality of each person and will eliminate discrimination and harassment based on gender, beliefs, religion, and any other factors.
We will strive to ensure and maintain a safe and rewarding workplace environment and will strive to provide our workers with comfort and abundance.